Dental implants in Turkey
Dental implantation is a surgical procedure in which the doctor implants an artificial graft where the crown of the tooth is placed on it in place of the tooth that is damaged. This operation is performed by implanting a metal device into the jawbone, in which a fixed platform is created for the artificial tooth crown and covered.
The dental prosthesis includes a metal tooth implant or dowel, the abutment, and a tooth crown. The artificial tooth, which looks exactly like the tooth, is the upper part of the tooth implant. The wedge or metallic tooth graft plays the role of the tooth root and strengthens the tooth cover in the jaw. A bond is attached between the graft and the tooth crown by a brace, which causes the tooth cap to be attached to the wedge.
The implant is usually made of titanium. In some cases, a material called zirconia is also used due to its high strength.
People who want to have a dental implant procedure outside of their country have many options, or just have the implant and crown implanted in their country. Or, perform all transplant procedures in another country for which it is necessary to travel twice.
Who are the candidates for this treatment?
1) People who have missing or broken teeth
2) People who need an artificial tooth
The method of dental implantation
Dental implantation is performed after local anesthesia and takes two stages.
In the first stage, the surgeon creates a hole in the jawbone, in the area where the graft will be placed and the gum tissue to reach the bone. With the help of a small drill, a small hole is created in the bone. This hole should be exactly at the place of transplantation. Then titanium is implanted into the bone. Once the implantation dowel is complete, an abutment (connector) is placed over it and a temporary dental cap is placed over it.
After this stage, the patient has to wait 3 months to be able to undergo a second stage.
In the second stage, the temporary tooth cap is replaced by permanent tooth crowns. The jaw bones require a minimum of two months to fully heal and hold the implant in place. But depending on the patient's condition, this time may change.
Possible complications
Swollen gums and face Bruises on the skin and gums Pain at the site of implantation Bleeding.
Care After The Operation
1) Do not smoke.
2) Tobacco stains on the tooth may lead to infection.
3) Brush your teeth at least once a day.
4) Do not eat food and solids such as candy and ice.
This may also damage the real teeth and the implanted teeth.